Altar servers are members of the congregation who assist the priest/celebrant during Mass and other liturgical functions. Both children and adults are welcome to serve in this Ministry. Individuals must have been baptized, received their First Communion and be active, participating members of the parish.
The Lector is a lay member of the parish whose primary duty is to proclaim the word of God through the reading of sacred scripture during liturgical celebrations.
An individual’s designation on the monthly schedule as Lector (1) or Lector (2) determines the additional responsibilities that person has. It is the role of Lector (1) to welcome the congregation, proclaim the Old Testament reading, recite the Responsorial Psalm in the absence of the cantor, and lead the petitions in the Prayers of the Faithful. The individual designated as Lector (2) participates in the Processional, along with the priest and altar servers, carries and places The Book of Gospels on the altar and reads the New Testament scripture. After the communion prayer, this Lector acknowledges the visitors who are in attendance at Mass and makes any special announcements which have been highlighted.
An individual interested in this ministry should be comfortable speaking in front of a crowd with a voice that projects and commands attention. A volunteer should be willing to invest the time to study and prepare for the readings in advance so that they are delivered to the congregation with meaning. A Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers is provided to assist the Lector in preparation for proclaiming the sacred scripture.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are lay members of the congregation who have been duly instructed and appointed to assist the priest in the distribution of the Eucharist at a parish liturgy. This also extends to distribution of “Holy Communion” to those who are sick and unable or incapable of attending the Sacrifice of the Mass. Eucharistic Ministers are technically referred to as “Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion”. The priest-celebrant is the ordinary Eucharistic minister, along with the deacon. An individual interested in this Ministry should have a willingness to serve, be a practicing and fully initiated adult Catholic having received the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, and First Communion., and be of good moral character.
This ministry is devoted to serving as the welcoming committee at liturgical celebrations, especially at Mass, by greeting worshippers as they enter the church. Ushers are available to answer questions and assist with seating. They are responsible for coordinating the Gift Bearers, facilitating the collections, and directing the procession of the congregation for the distribution of Communion. They count the numbers of people attending each Mass, distribute bulletins as well as ensure that the doors of the church are secure after Mass has ended. Individuals designated as USH-COL are also responsible for ensuring that the offerings are secured at the end of Mass.
The Usher ministry is open to all in the parish. Individuals should be dependable, and possess a warm, welcoming smile, and a friendly demeanor.
If you are interested in joining any of our ministries or would like to have additional information, please call the church - (843) 723-6066.