Parish Pastoral Council

Parish Pastoral Council

St. Patrick Parish Pastoral Council Steering Committee

“Hands to serve and hearts to love” - Mother Teresa

The St. Patrick Parish Pastoral Council was restructured under the leadership of the current pastor, Father Henry Kulah, who was assigned to St. Patrick in 2008. The new organizational format consists of a steering committee of 8 members appointed by the pastor.  The first organizational meeting of the Committee was held on May 15, 2014.


  • Denva Simpson, Chairman
  • Gail Simpson, Secretary
  • Kevin Roberson
  • Thomas Gnomes
  • Michelle Noisette
  • Florence Simmons
  • Josh Arenth
  • Mathew Howell
  • Arthur McFarland
  • Paul Stoney
  • Ashley Pennington
  • Jay Ingram


  • The term of the Pastoral Council Steering Committee member is 3 years with the possibility of re-appointment by the Pastor. Members may serve only 2 consecutive terms (6 years).
  • Only the Pastor may call a meeting of the PC Steering Committee.
  • There should be a minimum of 6 regular meetings a year.
  • The 6 standard PC Committees and their subcommittees should meet monthly, or as needed.
  •  All meetings are generally open to parishioners. Dates and times are posted in the parish Bulletin.

Members of the PC Steering Committee should...

  • serve as the eyes and ears of the parish;
  • alert the Pastor on issues and concerns reported by parishioners;
  • investigate the issues and suggests solutions to the Pastor;
  • foster unity and a sense of community in the parish;
  • coordinate all parish activities in a manner that will best serve the interests of the parish.

Good communication between the PC Steering Committee and the Pastoral Finance Council is essential. A member of the PC Finance Council serves on the PC Steering Committee.

Six Critical Goals of the PC Steering Committee:


“Deepen our Knowledge and Commitment to FAITH FORMATION”

Assist the parish and the pastoral council to include evangelization as a dimension of every parish activity and ministry which include Christian formation, liturgical, prayer, worship, religious education on all levels, and ministry fairs to promote volunteerism.

Thomas Gomes, & Deacon John Breeden,


“Energize and Excite our YOUTH”

Strive to enable young people to be full and active participants in the life of the Church by developing and maintaining a youth ministry network; provide quality programs and activities for youths in the parish.

  Mathew Howell, Chairperson,


  • Arthur McFarland
  • Joan Mack
  • Chris Berwick
  • Patricia Mack
  • Keith Waring
  • Julius Fielding


“Upgrade our Marketing, Communication & Awareness

Oversee the Parish Website, improve advertisement in local publications, seek opportunities for public service announcements, maintain parish calendar, review and give input on the Parish Bulletin. Create social media presence such as Facebook and improve internal communication.


“Develop a Sustainable Parish through Stewardship"

Provide continuity and good communication with the Parish Finance Council; identify, analyze, and recommend strategies to encourage parishioner participation in, and financial support of, the parish and its pastoral ministries and programs; find ways to provide funding for parish sponsored projects and community activities; support long-range planning for the financial needs of the parish, on-line giving, offering time, talent and sacrificial giving.

Denva Simpson, Chairperson,


 “Accelerate Upgrading of our Buildings and Grounds

Ensure that the parish plant and its campus are maintained in a functionally efficient, clean, attractive, safe, and operational manner. In addition, the Committee advises and develops short- and long-range strategies for the upkeep and development of the parish campus. Parish properties include the church, St. Patrick Parish Center; Mr. Oliver’s House the Pastor’s Rectory; a storage garage and a graveyard located on the church property.

  • Eddie Smith, Chair
  • Joan Mack
  • Claudia Leonard Smith
  • Chris Berwick
  • Deacon Markus Damwerth
  • Paul Stoney
  • Katesha Breland
  • Jay Ingram


Christian Formation/Education Committee:  Assists, promotes and supports parishioners in understanding that the entire parish communion has responsibility for participating in the evangelization and teaching mission of Jesus entrusted to the Church. The committee’s responsibilities include developing, promoting and evaluating programs that will assist each individual to grow in faith throughout their life. Through education, identifies programs that promote and support total parish education and formation. (The Sacraments, Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, RCIA, Bible Study).                                                                      Contact: Thomas Gomes, or Deacon John Breeden,

Prayer and Worship Committee: Responsible for guiding the continuing liturgical renewal of the parish, which is a communion centered on the Eucharist. It serves the parish by providing opportunities for liturgical education, by preparing the liturgical celebrations, and through mystagogical reflection evaluating these celebrations. The primary task of the Worship Committee is in the areas of liturgy and ecumenism. In addition, it serves as the liaison for relations with other Christian and non-Christian churches and religious bodies. Since the liturgy is the “source and summit” (SC 11) of Christian life, the Worship Committee needs to be actively and directly connected and concerned with all aspects of parish life, including ecumenism. (Music/Choir, Children’s Liturgy, Eucharistic ministry, Lector’s, Altar servers, Guide of the altar who are responsible for altar decoration and sacred linens). Committee Chairman: Michelle Noisette,

Evangelization Committee:  Serves as a catalyst for the total evangelizing effort in the parish. The committee works directly with the pastor, pastoral staff, Parish Pastoral Council, and the parish Committees to ensure that evangelization is the parish priority and is integrated into all areas of parish life. (Youth ministry, young adults, men’s club, Ladies Guild, Seniors including celebration of jubilees and recognition marriage milestone). Committee Chairman: Mathew Howell,

Christian Service//Social Ministry Committee: Exists as a model and resource of Catholic social teaching to enable the entire parish communion to put the social teaching of the Church into action. The Committee empowers the members of the parish to fulfill the Church’s mission of love, justice, freedom and peace under the mantle of evangelization by communally responding, in an organized way, to societal and individual needs. The Committee creates and/or promotes programs that strive to address human needs and achieve justice whether locally or in the broader communities of the diocese, state, nation and world. The Christian Service Committee actualizes the social teaching of the Church by fulfilling specific, educational and ministerial, administrative responsibilities (Soup kitchen, blessing box, St. Vincent de Paul, bereavement, homebound, health ministry, hospitality). Committee Chairman: Contact: Florence Simmons, or Deacon Markus Damwerth,

Stewardship Committee: Is concerned with the promotion of Christian stewardship as a way of life, and how living out our call to discipleship in service to the Church and her members provides a living example Christian witness. The Stewardship Committee functions include: Foster a parish environment in which Christian stewardship as a way of life is understood, accepted, and practiced; develop programs that allow parishioners to discern their God-given skills and talents and how they may be put to use in the ministries of the Church; develop family finance study programs based on Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church; encourage parishioners’ endowment gifts through distribution of planned giving newsletters, wills awareness seminars and other materials: (Marketing & communication; Cultural Heritage, Fundraising strategies, buildings and grounds, finance). Committee Chairman: Denva Simpson,

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