Church Law ( Canon 1280 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law ) and diocesan norms recognize the tremendous responsibility given to pastors in the realm of parish finances. Accordingly every parish is required to have a parish finance council. The pastor is responsible for assembling the parish finance council.
The parish finance council is a consultative body of lay persons mandated by Canon law to advise the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the Parish. The membership of this advisory body should include individuals skilled in finance, civil law, construction/engineering or business.
Every parish finance council must have at least three members who shall convene at least four times a year.
The pastor is ultimately responsible for all parish finances. He has authority from the Bishop and the universal law of the Church to decide and act on behalf of the Parish (Canon 532). The decisions and recommendations of the council are valid only when accepted by the Pastor. It is important, therefore, that the Pastor be central to the deliberations and the functioning of the Parish Finance Council. The relationship between the pastor and Council is one of support and mutual cooperation.
Parish Finance Council meets quarterly to review the parish finances and plan for upcoming parish fiscal year expenditures. After finalization of fiscal year figures and preparation of the budget for the upcomig year, a member of the council presents the financial report to the parish.